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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Hildon sketchy theme

A few days ago tigert pointed me at an interesting article from the excellent blog "Creating Passionate Users". The main points are:

1. Don't make the demo look done,
2. How 'done' something looks should match how 'done' something is,
3. The more "done" something appears, the more narrow and incremental the feedback.

Following Michael's post about hildon theme tools, I have been playing a bit with the tools, and started to work on... a sketchy theme. Sketchy is based on Plankton. The current release has basic support for "desktop", menus, dialogs, buttons, scrollbars, and banners. More to come!

Here is a preview of the result:

I could get this in a couple of hours (I am not really an artist specialist). The tools make it really easy to make a complete theme, BIG thanks to Michael and tigert :-) I encourage anyone to give it a try! Michael promised some tutorial, and I'll write more later about my experience.

Here is the sketchy theme package (and its source). You also need the hildon theme cacher to be able to install the theme on your N800.



  1. Awesome work! Very cool idea. :)

  2. Interesting theme, I'm sure it will look great when it's done!


  3. Just installed it. It looks really cool!
    Could the home applet frames be themed as well?
    And can you recommend a good background image to go with it?

  4. Great theme... I should think so (look at my blog: http://tim.samoff.com). ;)

  5. Thanks for pushing the software and doing such a professional job of documenting your experiences. People like me, owe people like you.

  6. I love this theme so much that I'm using it even though it's a bit hard on my eyes. I wish there was more contrast between the icons and the background. lf there were an option for grey sketches on a black background, it would be perfect.


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